Out with the Old
In with the New

Dual Pricing is not new. Many gas stations around the nation have been offering both cash and credit prices for over a decade. The benefit to the business owner is no secret. When businesses offer dual pricing, they retain 100% of the cash price for every product they sell regardless of how the customer pays.

Previously, Dual Pricing was not an option for business owners due to software limitations and the unpredictability of processing costs on each transaction. More importantly, business owners were unable to offer dual pricing while providing a beautifully transparent and enjoyable customer experience to their valued patrons. All that has changed!

There are 3 things needed for a business to run a True, Honest and Transparent Dual Pricing Program.


A business owner willing to take the time and care to present a beautiful customer experience to all of their valued customers. Your customer deserves to know how much each product will cost when they decide to purchase it.


A merchant services provider that offers a flat rate percentage that aligns with the difference between the regular and cash prices without any additional charges. You need to know your cost on each item in order to price correctly.


A POS system capable of supporting a dual pricing model with both a regular price and a cash price for each product or SKU in a business while providing the accurate reporting needed to support the business operations.

Cash Discount

is under heavy criticism

Up until this point, terminal providers were unable to adjust to the popular program's constantly changing their requirements!

Up until this point, terminal providers were unable to adjust to the popular program's constantly changing their requirements!

Cash or Credit

The age of technological growth is here.

Make the Change Today

How it Works

Merchants can visibly provide different transaction amounts to customers paying with cash versus cards by selecting Cash or Credit on payment terminals.


No More Non-Cash Adjustments


Price Transparency at the point of sale


Full Control over Implementation

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